picoCTF – General Skills

Obedient Cat

We will start with the first task which should not be to difficult ;).

cat flag

Python Wrangling

Download all 3 files what are necessary for the challenge and follow the syntax:

Wave a flag

./warm -h

Nice netcat…

In your terminal call nc mercury.picoctf.net 35652 > nice_netcat. Now with a little python script we will read the output, trim the white spaces, newlines and convert it into ASCII character.

temp = open('nice_netcat')
temp = temp.read().splitlines()
flag = ''

for e in temp:
    flag += chr(int(e))


Static ain’t always noise

Download the static binary and use the following command

strings static | grep pico

Tab, Tab, Attack

Straight forward

unzip the picoctf challange

Magikarp Ground Mission

Login via the ssh credentials and follow the instructions

ssh connection to picoctf

Lets Warm Up

0x70 Hex in ASCII – lets see the man files for ascii with – man ascii

man ascii hex 0x70

Warmed Up

This can be solved with python

>>> int('0x3D', 16)


Again python

>>> bin(42)

what’s a net cat?

nc jupiter.challenges.picoctf.org 25103

strings it

strings strings | grep pico


echo "bDNhcm5fdGgzX3IwcDM1" | base64 -d

First Grep

cat file | grep pico


This can be done with CyberChef open in a separate window

picoctf nc challenge


nc jupiter.challenges.picoctf.org 14291 > plumbing; cat plumbing | grep pico


After a while you will recognize some words which are repeating over and over again. These are shout, put and knock. Just go to google with there 3 words and put on your search a esoteric behind you fill find the first search result very interesting – rockstar.

rockstar program

Just translate the decimal output into ASCII characters and you have the flag which to submit in the format picoCTF{}.


When you look into the source code you will see the part which we can exploit:

pico-ctf flag_shop solution

This integer can hold 4 Byte – a maximum value of -2 147 483 648 and 2 147 483 647.

To create the complement of the integer we can divide the maximum value of the integer through 899 (not 900 – because of the account balance) and give the result 2388747 as input to the flag volume. After this you can but the 1337 flag.

nc session to buy the flag